Monday, November 16, 2009

Today's comment

I haven't updated this nearly as often as I should, mainly because my internet access is
normally too slow.
Now I'm with Orange Internet Everywhere, so that I can use it when I am en route to my office.
Hah ha ha I should be so lucky.
I use Orange because they are the only company who can give me 3G access without a phone
And I do get 3G, it is amazingly fast until I use up my 5G traffic allowance. This month I
used my whole 5Gb the first morning.
You see, I live 'in the sticks' as they say. No phone, no food no pets.
Well not quite, but really no phone.
No TV. No BRITISH TV, but for the past year I have been able to watch Sky News International.
So I use my internet to download my favourite TV programs, as well as keep in touch with the
world at large, and write my blogs.
The WWW is also a fascinating source of information. I think we all know that. There are
recipes and instructions on how to make things, and advice and other people's opinions, and
news and just everything you ever need. You find things online you didn't know you needed.
But later you can't live without.
So yes I pay a small fortune for an access which most of the time crawls along at a pathetic
speed, but I am quite happy to sit for hours waiting for it.
I can always play Spider Solitaire in the meantime.

It is ironic that when I had a choice of TV programs, ie BBC1 Scotland, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4
etc, I used to only watch the 24 hour News channels.

Now that I have only have 24 hours news channels, I want to see other programs.

If my access was fast enough, I would comment on practically every single news item. Most
are of interest to me.
We all have opinions on news items.
The WWW allows us to share them. Shared opinion is what changes Governments. It is what
changes lives. Now more than ever before, governments listen to what the people want.
They used to listen to opinion polls.
I was never asked to opine in an opinion poll. So I felt I was never part of the system,
never part of anything.
I was a member of a political party for a long time, but even they never listened to me, who
represents the common man on the street.
That sounds whingeing, but I hope to elaborate further in a later blog.
They did and they didn't, put it that way.
But I am nothing special. We all have a say. Our opinions count, even if we don't use Twitter
or whatever the current 'fashion' is.
It amazes me that all the current crop of politicians get quoted on their 'Twitter' commments.
What's that all about?
When Sky News finally comments on what Izzy says on her blog, then I will know I have said
something worth saying.
Like all of us, I have to say a Hell of a lot before I say something worth saying!

Who amongst us haven't had an opinion on something, then changed our minds at a later date, because maybe someone gave us a different viewpoint, or said something that struck a chord.
We all have the right to change our minds, and I want my blog to reflect that.
I may say something one minute, and another the next, and if they contradict each other,
I hope I can say why something should change so drastically and explain why.

I've got a Rant up already about Moslems, and a woman in particular who signed a form giving away her and her childrens' right to life for Islam.

Now I'm not at the moment talking against myself, but today the Services in the UK arrested
more people on an anti-terrorism charge.
And it got me to thinking, there have been one Hell of a lot of plots foiled by the current
anti-terrorist organization. Are they super-clever - like James Bond? Or....
They are getting inside information? That seems more likely. These terrorists guys aren't
likely to be telling James Bond or other whitey people about their plans.They may be
telling other moslems.

Chances are then that the intelligence is coming from moslems. Doesn't make me less frightened of them because I don't know the good guys from the bad guys, but it looks as if there are more 'good guys'than bad guys.
Understand my logic?

OK it may be only one guy goes to the cops on each occasion, but they (the anti-terrorists)
have stopped loads of potential offensives, and it must be different informants each time.
If it's the same informant, the terrorist organisation mustbe a lot smaller than they had
us believe.
That's comforting.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The British Government Drugs advisory committee

What do you make of the sacking of their chief man, Prefessor David Nutt? Basically this scientific man got sacked (from an unpaid post, bythe way) for telling everyone that drink and tobacco are worse than cannabis and ecstasy.

Now I am not a scientist and can't dispute things one way or the other, but have you ever noticed that the people with problems with cannabis and ecstasy are invariably young?
Whereas, alcohol and tobacco addiction and problems affect all age groups?

Personally, I think there is something wrong with cannabis. I think it does affect the mind. I think it does affect the psyche. And I think for those reasons alone it should probably be illegal. But have you ever noticed those most affected form the under 25 age group?

Those who derive the most benefits from this drug are maybe the over 50s if not the over 60s. It does offer pain relief; it does offer a feeling of well-being in the terminally ill, without giving the undesireable addictive side-effects of heroin and other strong narcotics.

Watch all TV programs about cannabis closely. Listen to the mothers who are completely against it's legalisation because their son/daughter went through Hell. And I've no doubt they did.

It's not a recreational drug for the young, IMO. Their brains are still developing, and these drugs do not help anything, if anything they are a hindrance to their intellectual well-being.

I am still waiting on an adult giving me a plausible reason as to why they think it is beneficial for them, but I suppose that is not important at the end of the day. What is important is that these adults can use these drugs like the rest of us use alcohol, and still have a hold on reality and can hold down jobs and pay their mortgages/rent like the rest of us.

They are happy; the institutions are happy.

Now the British Drugs Advisory people are resigning like there is no tomorrow, because the government is choosing to ignore their advice.

These people have spent years researching the effects of these drugs, in fact all drugs, all have come to an absolute conclusion that esctasy and cannabis are less harmful than the rest, including 'legal drugs' and we the people should sit up and take notice.

Moslems and the UK

I have a problem with moslems ever since some of them chose to demolish the Twin Towers in Manhatten in New York.
Sorry but I do. I am not racist. I have never been a racist. And for those of you who doubt this, I have appeared on National television asking for the Highland and Islands of Scotland to be repopulated by the very people who arrive at our shores seeking asylum.
Much to my shame now.
Silly idea, not thought through.

My problem with moslems is that they have lived amongst us for years, without apparent problems, but now I am scared of them. I do not know which of them hates the West. Which of them hates the West enough to plot blowing up a school, or a shopping centre or whatever is next on their list, taking me and my family with them.

And I am not alone. Many many people feel the same way. When Glasgow airport became a victim, I was as shocked as the next person to learn the people involved were doctors. Doctors! Who pledge to stand by the Hippocratic Oath, to do no harm to others. Shocking shocking. All of it. And for someone who used to embrace all religions and all people as being 'all Jack Tamson's bairns', it's a painful wakeup call.

Today's news was about a moslem lady in England, a mother of six with dual Moroccan/ Dutch passports, who when stopped on Intelligence services warnings, was found to have in her possession a hand written document giving her permission to use her, and her six children, as human bombs against the West in the name of Islam.

Ignoring the fact that she also had a memory stick with something like 70,000 documents, all outlining plans against the West, my mind finds it hard to comprehend how a WOMAN, FFS, could be involved in all this? I think of Islamic women as being suppressed, not part of it all.

Time to shut the borders, boyos. Shut them all out. They don't belong with us.